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The Benefits of Laser Light Therapy

Combining therapeutic wavelengths and frequencies to optimize cellular health.

In the process of doing research on the various topics I research, I often discover new uses for therapies that have been at my fingertips for years. Laser light therapy is one of those and I have put together a series of laser light treatment sessions that allows patients to take advantage of some of the most important benefits this therapy has to offer.

Laser therapy involves using red and/or infrared laser light, pulsed at particular frequencies, to change the activity of the cells exposed to the light. There are hundreds of studies published on the various effects that lasers have on cells. A few of those include:

  • Increased energy production within cells
  • Increased tissue repair to facilitate healing
  • Promotion of nerve regeneration
  • Reduction in inflammation in the tissue
  • Decrease in free radicals that can damage cells
  • Relatively quick reduction in both acute and chronic pain
  • Immune stimulation
  • Autonomic nervous system balancing (sympathetic/parasympathetic balance)

Virtually every acute and chronic illness is characterized by an imbalance in the ANS. The conditions most in the headlines and now frequently presented to my office involving ANS dysregulation are “long covid” and symptoms following one of the covid vaccinations.

I have recently been doing a great deal of research into therapies that can be used specifically to regulate the activity of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Virtually every acute and chronic illness is characterized by an imbalance in the ANS. The conditions most in the headlines and now frequently presenting to my office involving ANS dysregulation are “long covid” and symptoms following one of the covid vaccinations. 

The scientific literature has dozens of studies showing that both covid and mRNA vaccination can trigger ANS dysregulation that persists for weeks or even months. Any therapies that can contribute to ANS regulation is a valuable addition to my toolkit.

Beyond ANS regulation, studies show that laser therapy can increase lymph flow and detoxification, can improve cellular oxygen utilization, and can enhance the activity of several important cells of the immune system. 

Specific molecules taken orally prior to laser therapy will magnify the beneficial impact of the light therapy. I regularly prescribe these in combination with laser treatment to optimize their benefits.

Laser therapy is cumulative in its effect, much like any other therapy. Bundled in each session of this package are three treatment protocols delivered at each session: Body Balance (ANS regulation), Detox, and Immune Stimulation.

This would be a great program for a wide range of symptoms and conditions, including:

  • Any chronic disease
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Long-covid
  • Any lingering symptoms following vaccination
  • Support during any weight loss program
  • Anxiety and/or depression

Single sessions are $65 or purchase a package of twice weekly treatments for 3 weeks for $340, a savings of $50 on the package.

Call us or schedule online to book your laser session today!

(503) 719-4806Schedule an Appointment
Greg Nigh

Dr. Greg Nigh, ND, LAcMedical Director, Primary Care Physician, Naturopathic Oncologist, Acupuncturist.

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