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Adverse Events:

Thoughts about the hidden side of the Covid vaccination campaign

[Trigger warning: I’m covering a topic in this blog that some might have strong resistance toward. Please read it all the way through to see that I am not writing against vaccination, nor am I making any recommendations whatsoever about them. That’s not the topic here.]

The CDC recently stated that just over 261 million people in the US have been vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 since the beginning of the vaccination campaign. While the initial high hopes of lasting protection against infection and transmission did not play out as anticipated, the ongoing promotion of booster shots is intended to overcome the waning of immunity that happens within a few months of the injections, a fact noted in many studies and now widely recognized.

It is clear that many millions of people have been recipients of either the mRNA injections (Moderna and Pfizer) or the single-dose DNA injection (Johnson & Johnson) with no apparent adverse reactions save for perhaps pain at the injection site and a few days of malaise. Most people resolve these symptoms in a matter of days and return to full health.

Unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone. The range of more enduring and serious adverse events associated with one of these vaccinations is large and growing. It was recently reported that over 40% of menstruating women have experienced a change in their menstrual cycle following vaccination against Covid. There are also a growing number of reports of reactivated virtual infections such as herpes, Epstein-Barr, and even autoimmune hepatitis following vaccination. These events are occurring in a small percentage of vaccinated individuals. However, with over a quarter of a billion people now vaccinated, small percentages can translate into a large number of individuals.

In my own practice I have worked with many patients struggling with new and strange and persistent symptoms that arose very soon after receiving one of the Covid vaccinations. Most of these patients have seen conventional physicians about their symptoms. While many have been dismissed as simply having “anxiety” or even accused of “pill seeking” when needing pain relief, others have had their doctor acknowledge that their symptoms seem very likely related to vaccination. Unfortunately, even when that is acknowledged, there is often little help that can be offered because they don’t know why the vaccination has led to the symptoms.

The range of more enduring and serious adverse events associated with one of these vaccinations is large and growing.

Back in May 2021 I teamed up with Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT to co-author a peer-reviewed paper titled Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19. It was published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research. That was the first paper in the peer-reviewed literature to offer a detailed catalog of adverse events that could be associated with getting an mRNA vaccination based upon evidence available in the research literature.

Again in April of this year I co-authored, along with Dr. Seneff and two other researchers, a peer-reviewed paper titled Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs, published in the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology. This paper is much more technical, citing over 240 studies as it describes specific mechanisms whereby the mRNA vaccinations could suppress immune function and lead to a range of other health issues.

While both of these papers are describing vaccine-related adverse events as only possibilities, it has unfortunately come to pass that many of the issues Dr. Seneff and I predicted in our May 2021 paper have now been extensively observed and documented in the medical literature. And beyond what has been published, I and several colleagues have now treated multiple patients who are experiencing symptoms that developed shortly after one of the vaccinations.

Sometimes symptoms can get resolved with something as simple as vitamin B12 injections. For reasons that are somewhat mysterious to me, I have found that some people have a substantial decline in their serum B12 that happens following an mRNA injection, causing fatigue, brain fog, and potentially some pain or tingling in hands and feet.

I encourage anyone with new or concerning symptoms that seem to have come on since receiving a Coviid vaccination to schedule a consultation with me.

Other times more aggressive therapies are indicated. If underlying viral infections become reactivated, IV vitamin C, IV ozone, ultraviolet blood irradiation, or other immune-stimulating therapies can be indicated. Ongoing fatigue often requires its own set of interventions, all directed at restoring cellular energy production. I have patients with adverse reactions ranging from new severe skin rashes that do not respond to standard therapies, to debilitating brain fog and crushing fatigue that transformed one young dad from being healthy and outgoing to bed-bound almost the entirety of every day.

Another consideration of the vaccines is the positively charged lipid nanoparticles used to carry the mRNA. These lipids serve as “adjuvants,” vaccine components intended to provoke the immune system into a robust response to the spike protein the vaccination is intended to generate. These lipids, though, can drive chronic inflammation and can also provoke an allergic reaction. Immune modulating therapies such as low dose naltrexone, curcumin and other nutrients, and therapies addressing the balance in the autonomic nervous system can be very important in this regard.

Millions and millions of people have gotten vaccinated against Covid with no apparent health issues as a result. But people who have new symptoms arise and persist following vaccination are often met with disbelief and dismissal when describing their symptoms to conventional medical practitioners.

I encourage anyone with new or concerning symptoms that seem to have come on since receiving a Coviid vaccination to schedule a consultation with me. With a focused set of labs, a complete symptom history, and comprehensive evaluation, a treatment plan can be created to help reestablish balance in the body and get symptoms resolved as quickly as possible.

Greg Nigh

Dr. Greg Nigh, ND, LAcMedical Director, Primary Care Physician, Naturopathic Oncologist, Acupuncturist.

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